Hi! This is web site I’ve created because musicals are great and I might love them a bit too much and I really like random facts. On this site I will add as much trivia about theatre (musicals really) and theatres as I can find. Email me if you I’ve missed one of your favourites and you think there’s a fact I need to know and don’t have on here.

Shakespeare's Globe is the only building in London allowed to have a thatched roof since the Great Fire in 1666

The word tragedy comes from a Greek word meaning “goat song” and theatre comes from the Greek “to behold”

Walt Disney World, Florida the biggest theatrical wardrobe in the world with 1.2 million costumes.

It is bad luck to say “the M word” in theatre not because productions of the “Scottish play” always went wrong but because it did so well that if your show failed it would be replaced with the Shakespeare classic

There were 12.4 million tickets sold for Broadway shows in 2012

Most theaters (mainly on Broadway) dont have the row “I” in their seating – to avoid confusion with the number one.

World Theatre Day has been held on March 27 every year since 1962 when it was the opening day of the “Theatre of Nations” season in Paris